
  • bb87455 - (Alex Lynch) Cleanup and bug fixes.
  • c64ad19 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v3.0.0.a.4
  • 68d653c - (Alex Lynch) Update version release script.
  • e600106 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v3.0.0.a.3
  • 7c660d0 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v3.0.0.a.2


  • 38ba4a3 - (Alex Lynch) Correct SemVer syntax.
  • cf55b51 - (Alex Lynch) Update podspec with v3.0.0.a1
  • 1657bd8 - (Alex Lynch) Marking v3.0.0.a1
  • 7e6968b - (Alex Lynch) All test files are compiling. 2 tests disabled. Entering alpha state.
  • 0441a74 - (Alex Lynch) Reenabled FinallyTests. Code cleanup.
  • 6c65cdf - (Alex Lynch) Restored UploadPipeline test.
  • 62dd32a - (Alex Lynch) Cleanup and syntax stabilization. Half of the tests are reenabled.
  • d431595 - (Alex Lynch) Reenable MergeSortTest.
  • d66d13f - (Alex Lynch) Reenable AsyncFlowControlTests.
  • 7ffe0cb - (Alex Lynch) Beta implementation of Error parameterized links.
  • 0addf8a - (Alex Lynch) Replace @dynamicCallable with Swift 5.2 callAsFunction feature.
  • 909d311 - (Alex Lynch) Rename AsyncBlockPerformer generic argument to P in preparation for more generic constraints.
  • 7cd9756 - (Alex Lynch) Rename “completion” methods in Link with a reactive-programming convention.
  • e3bb2b6 - (Alex Lynch) Refine downstream response and error handlers; remove upstream error handlers. Errors no longer flow up HoneyBee chains.
  • 6eab4f1 - (Alex Lynch) Implement and test result async accessor. For the first time in honeybee, errors flow down stream.
  • 846b7aa - (Alex Lynch) Avoid crashing where possible in response to internal errors.
  • 6a5aadb - (Alex Lynch) Abstract ConcurrentBox from JoinPoint.
  • 1f02e69 - (Alex Lynch) Propagate ErrorContext to dependents.
  • 36da234 - (Alex Lynch) Excise FailableResult and friends.
  • 1c3a256 - (Alex Lynch) Repair the broken and deprecated each function.
  • f12d318 - (Alex Lynch) Improve comment coverage.
  • b7cd2a2 - (Alex Lynch) Use more diverse async block performers for code coverage.
  • c4acb10 - (Alex Lynch) Rename async function wrapper types for consistency.
  • 75a983a - (Alex Lynch) “Move to” operator (>>) evaluates lvals on the rval link’s performer.
  • 6953782 - (Alex Lynch) Improve code coverage.
  • 49588ba - (Alex Lynch) Simplify the AsyncFlowControl code and improve the test.
  • 6a49d29 - (Alex Lynch) Move async family’s function argument to the final position to permit trailing closures.
  • 2d0c73c - (Alex Lynch) Conditionally import CoreData.
  • 1409903 - (Alex Lynch) Basic if/else_if/else flow control.
  • 7c0af84 - (Alex Lynch) Implement merge sort test. Mark finally as @discardableResult
  • 0e466fa - (Alex Lynch) Implement a non-HoneyBee solution to UploadPipleline test.
  • fcecf85 - (Alex Lynch) Implement AsyncPerformer-bound function wrappers and implement UploadPipeline tests.
  • 933b98f - (Alex Lynch) Introduce some non-topical tests for coverage.
  • 0273d04 - (Alex Lynch) Redefine async function family to return a function wrapper that is not defined in terms of Link.
  • b281211 - (Alex Lynch) Remove instance-curry forms from async function family.
  • 2fda2e4 - (Alex Lynch) Rename function wrappers for greater clarity.
  • 3463652 - (Alex Lynch) Convert some multi-path tests to async curry syntax.
  • a82d67b - (Alex Lynch) Beta async curry syntax. Introduce AsyncTrace. Cleanup weaknesses in .reduce and .each identified by new Test Plan.
  • dad5f6e - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.8.2
  • 4f24cee - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.8.2
  • 580413a - (Alex Lynch) Compatibility with Swift 5.1
  • 5ea36ba - (Alex Lynch) Update generator to handle same-type unfulfilled parameters in bind family.
  • 22e2b83 - (Alex Lynch) Update Generate.rb to generate AAC-form binds and Links with async performer generic params.
  • cb85cea - (Alex Lynch) Construct UnitTests for swift team to review compiler segfault.
  • 1a34d98 - (Alex Lynch) Define HoneyBee.async family of start behaviors. Implement Chris Lattner’s coroutine example as a unit test.
  • aafd767 - (Alex Lynch) Conform ErrorContext to Error. (!!)
  • a733d19 - (Alex Lynch) Convert drop() to a var and restyle tests.
  • 0aa7923 - (Alex Lynch) Beta all new error tracing behavior.
  • 417524e - (Alex Lynch) Rename magic aysnc keyword await after common style.
  • 86cf816 - (Alex Lynch) Move await behaviors into Link and implement tail closure.
  • 7acee1f - (Alex Lynch) Rename setBlockPerformer(_:) to move(to:).
  • d48c913 - (Alex Lynch) Implement type-checked AsyncBlockPerformer matching in Link, SafeLink, and JoinPoint. Make Link’s public interface immutable and redefine AsyncBlockPerformer changing semantics.
  • dc8eaf6 - (Alex Lynch) R publicize FailableResult as a typealias on Result
  • 386d9c0 - (Alex Lynch) Define types for common GCD dispatch queues as AsyncBlockPerformers.
  • 6f89ac5 - (Alex Lynch) Xcode-suggested project reorganization.
  • 72a6a26 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.8.1
  • 142da4e - (Alex Lynch) Change project hosting to github.
  • 5cf332d - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.8
  • 46b05c5 - (Alex Lynch) Implement swift 5.0 support.
  • c94b9ef - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.7.1
  • 430f228 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.7.1
  • ad8c7af - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.7.1
  • 62f638b - (Alex Lynch) Add missing documentation for SafeLink.
  • e0f5a6d - (Alex Lynch) Fix mistake in bind documentation.
  • 06e3796 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.7.0
  • 62bb74a - (Alex Lynch) Update to swift 4.2.
  • 31c5942 - (Alex Lynch) Add map to FailableResult monad.
  • d88c5f6 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.6.2
  • ac90178 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.6.2
  • 71fd985 - (Alex Lynch) Implement new bind flavors.
  • 653bcdf - (Alex Lynch) Improved error logging for AtomicValue.
  • a6ab1b4 - (Alex Lynch) Initial implementation of SafeLink strategy.
  • 52090f7 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.6.1
  • 25872b4 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.6.1
  • c854469 - (Alex Lynch) Widen the context switching overhead margin for some multi-path tests.
  • c118436 - (Alex Lynch) Signal all internal errors through the internalFailureResponse handler.
  • 9e71e0d - (Alex Lynch) Publicize FaultResponse.evaluate and improve debugger interaction.
  • f5fadef - (Alex Lynch) Standardize release file.
  • 8accc7b - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.6.0
  • 20e7794 - (Alex Lynch) Alter behavior of setCompletionHandler to permit only one error.
  • 842aede - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.5.2
  • a583c7e - (Alex Lynch) Synchronize access to Honey.*response FaultResponses.
  • 3beab26 - (Alex Lynch) Implement get getBlockPerformer utility method and tests.
  • e5b3011 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.5.1
  • f2021d1 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.5.1
  • 20f1209 - (Alex Lynch) Inform cocoapods of swift 4.1 support.
  • c7b3ee4 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.5
  • 1e88930 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.5
  • a40fafa - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.5
  • 23363e8 - (Alex Lynch) Updates for Swift 4.1
  • 4c4cb63 - (Alex Lynch) Implement sanity check that conjoined link’s block performers are equal.
  • a173424 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.4.2
  • ce2e023 - (Alex Lynch) Re-write optionally to be contract correct in the face of errors.
  • 82a9818 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.4.1
  • 260a590 - (Alex Lynch) Publicize new compound conjoin feature.
  • 7b89845 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.4
  • ccfdd0b - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.4
  • ab44a49 - (Alex Lynch) Add compound conjoin behavior.
  • d88b61f - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.3.1
  • 82cd5d9 - (Alex Lynch) Publicize the internal failure response.
  • 4e84c8e - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.3
  • 57778fe - (Alex Lynch) Implement “blockless” HoneyBee.start()
  • 73eeb41 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.2.6
  • 0be72dd - (Alex Lynch) Proper SPM support.
  • 8d0d8be - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.2.5
  • 6d04799 - (Alex Lynch) Beta support for SPM.
  • ebd28b6 - (Alex Lynch) Improve release automation.
  • 5d96199 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.2.4


  • 84a7649 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.2.3 Improve release automation.


  • 023e11d - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.2.2


  • 5a255cc - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.2.1
  • 3f43e2c - (Alex Lynch) Improve Readme.
  • 6e2774b - (Alex Lynch) Correct author’s email address.


  • 11f9172 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.2
  • 5277323 - (Alex Lynch) Implement non-returning limit.


  • 1b99b07 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.1.2
  • 1cc73d5 - (Alex Lynch) Introduce instance curry forms of bind()


  • 1b3cc70 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.1.1


  • 88c6eef - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.1.
  • 2559ef9 - (Alex Lynch) Implement setCompletionHandler(:)
  • 9c426b4 - (Alex Lynch) Implement setCompletionHandler(:).
  • 1dc3f20 - (Alex Lynch) Remove @discardableResult from chain with KeyPath.
  • 7f272c6 - (Alex Lynch) Add Error property to ErrorContext and collapse the two-arg forms of error handler


  • e02f3c5 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.0.5 (Podspec fix).


  • a2b6a0d - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.0.4
  • de7647a - (Alex Lynch) Publicize FaultResponse and provide static hooks in HoneyBee struct for response management.
  • 3ff2723 - (Alex Lynch) Standardize positioning of @discardableResult.


  • fcebb83 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.0.3 (documentation bump)


  • a9b3119 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.0.1
  • 673b06f - (Alex Lynch) Expand documentation around block performer.


  • 7092836 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v2.0.
  • b2187e2 - (Alex Lynch) Rename parameter “withLimit” to “limit”.
  • 7eaa13d - (Alex Lynch) Rename ProcessLink to Link


  • 2b0a203 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.11.2
  • aeaf7b0 - (Alex Lynch) Expand documentation.


  • 31241e3 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.11.1 (documentation release).


  • 2ec8982 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.11
  • f39323a - (Alex Lynch) Implement parallel reduce.


  • 8a60f3d - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.10.0
  • d14c4e4 - (Alex Lynch) Add documentation fo left and right join, and reduce.
  • 7d3ecbf - (Alex Lynch) Implement linear reduce behavior. Add thread sanitizer to test target. Fix some threading issues.
  • c8c9019 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.9.4. (documentation version).
  • 564aba9 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.9.3. (documentation release)
  • f8f26cf - (Alex Lynch) Implement join-left and join-right operators.


  • f40413c - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.9.2
  • 3c15566 - (Alex Lynch) Fix finally-before-retry bug.


  • cae6d66 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.9.1
  • 05b284f - (Alex Lynch) Expose FailureRate feature in each


  • dd3d4a9 - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v1.9
  • d27c21d - (Alex Lynch) Implement retry feature.
  • 4139c3b - (Alex Lynch) Clean up multi-path test semantics with AtomicInt


  • 9292a65 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.8
  • df18f7e - (Alex Lynch) Restore typed finally blocks!!


  • 6561158 - (Alex Lynch) Quick fix for cocoa pods. v1.7.3


  • 164978d - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.7.2.
  • 8870f8a - (Alex Lynch) Fix bug causing joins to fail. Fix bug causing finalizers to fail and run out of order. Improve logical assertions about concurrency.


  • 88d61b4 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.7.
  • 45570e3 - (Alex Lynch) Simplify map error counting.
  • a1c7077 - (Alex Lynch) Links can create sub-links until they are deallocated. Redesign optionally with simpler semantics.
  • 4a51e50 - (Alex Lynch) Amend commit with project file changes.
  • 81d7417 - (Alex Lynch) Make space for lib sources.


  • b25cbe6 - (Alex Lynch) Include podspec version bump.
  • d1ebfea - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v1.6
  • 32fc00c - (Alex Lynch) Verify error handling behavior when map and join are used together.
  • 1bcd478 - (Alex Lynch) Proper error handling for map and filter.
  • 2a59fd5 - (Alex Lynch) Links downstream of a join receive ancestorFailed() when appropriate.
  • c345d20 - (Alex Lynch) Joins are now error resilient. (The non-failing path doesn’t block forever.)
  • ee807db - (Alex Lynch) Append project file changes.
  • 07745ee - (Alex Lynch) Reorganize test grouping error handling together.
  • e6b0cb7 - (Alex Lynch) Redefine each and filter in terms of map. Introduce branch with return link.
  • 00973ad - (Alex Lynch) Introduce parallel limit to each, map and filter.
  • 1498fb8 - (Alex Lynch) Reorganize testing code for faster compilations.
  • a940af6 - (Alex Lynch) Use proper compilation condition for KeyPath form.


  • c21396f - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.4.5
  • 87f8ddf - (Alex Lynch) Remove unnecessary escaping attributes from define blocks.


  • 80fc24c - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.4.4
  • 1aedfc9 - (Alex Lynch) Remove poorly conceived execute success parameter and simplify.
  • a7cd9ad - (Alex Lynch) Don’t try to compile KeyPath form for less than swift 4.0


  • c1a8a06 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.4.3
  • 321be79 - (Alex Lynch) More safely enter dispatch group to prevent early notification.
  • 554e7c7 - (Alex Lynch) Restore each(withLimit:) form.


  • ddcf97f - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v1.4.2.
  • 66307d9 - (Alex Lynch) Implement KeyPath support.


  • 783161b - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v1.4.1
  • 751fdac - (Alex Lynch) Extend bind support to throwing functions.
  • b573fa9 - (Alex Lynch) Marking as version 1.4 (swift 4 compatible)
  • 5b2a07a - (Alex Lynch) Swift 4 support + much better code coverage.


  • 7217eed - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v1.0.2.
  • ece3302 - (Alex Lynch) Improve resilience of limit for proper semaphore handing during errors.
  • ebb6460 - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v1.0.1
  • 5a63069 - (Alex Lynch) Suppress multiple callback for errors as well as successes. Remove references cycles caused by self-capture.
  • 1467b3c - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v1.0 (yay!)
  • 9f19a24 - (Alex Lynch) Rename fork branch. Implement operator syntax for conjoin.
  • 2a4c846 - (Alex Lynch) Replace ‘cntx’ var names with more expressive, localized names.
  • 382db42 - (Alex Lynch) Implement ‘tunnel’ behavior.
  • aa12000 - (Alex Lynch) Rename ‘value’ to ‘insert’. Implement ‘drop’. Remove ‘splice’
  • 0533360 - (Alex Lynch) Mark v0.10.1
  • d3d2f91 - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v0.10.0
  • 60fd8d6 - (Alex Lynch) Convert map and filter to subchains.
  • d848d28 - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v0.9.1
  • b032bea - (Alex Lynch) Add @escaping attribute where it was missing.
  • 9022d8f - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v0.9.0
  • 25b6a20 - (Alex Lynch) Update tests to provide better code coverage.
  • 6271966 - (Alex Lynch) Update documentation.
  • 284893a - (Alex Lynch) Redefine the root function as a FailableResult form. This is the most complex form. Handling it as the root function permits handling FailableResultProtocol in a single chain.
  • 21a9355 - (Alex Lynch) Remove unnecessary overlap between ProcessLinks. Simplify!!!
  • 0bb4f72 - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v0.8.2
  • 6210ad7 - (Alex Lynch) Implement functionDescription self-documentation for more helpful internalPath content in ErrorContext.
  • 6a13144 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v0.8.1
  • 0df9403 - (Alex Lynch) Fix bug in ErrorContext file and line reporting.
  • 9915d96 - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v0.8.0
  • 7c79805 - (Alex Lynch) Implement support for swift style asynchronous errors with FailableResultProtocol.
  • 472c79a - (Alex Lynch) Implement functionFile, functionLine and internalPath properties of ErrorContext.
  • 5230b58 - (Alex Lynch) Introduce ErrorContext, refactor and document.
  • 363c53e - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v0.7.1
  • e9ea602 - (Alex Lynch) Correct fault in Tests around setBlockPerformer. Fix underlying bug.
  • f22cde4 - (Alex Lynch) Marking as v0.7.0
  • 337fce4 - (Alex Lynch) Abstract execution queue to support NSManagedObjectContexts.
  • eeafe79 - (Alex Lynch) Remove unneeded dual-queue concept.
  • 76ada43 - (Alex Lynch) Document project and mark as v0.6.2
  • 82ad53b - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v0.6.1.
  • 900136a - (Alex Lynch) Implement setQueue.
  • f4dac4d - (Alex Lynch) Mark v0.6.0
  • 7ceefa9 - (Alex Lynch) Remove potentially hazardous noError method from RootLink. Rename errorHandler to setError.
  • 86e99b7 - (Alex Lynch) Mark v0.5.0
  • 3977a54 - (Alex Lynch) Simplify error handling expression in HoneyBee process definitions. Remove redundentant chain forms.


  • 92071b5 - (Alex Lynch) v0.4.1
  • 2d89ef0 - (Alex Lynch) Correct post-limit behavior to not be within semaphore.


  • 2b01f3c - (Alex Lynch) Mark as v0.4.0
  • 334a79b - (Alex Lynch) Slightly reorganize project.
  • d6b2ac0 - (Alex Lynch) Remove operator syntax. The number of behaviors is growing and some take parameters. Operator syntax is no longer supportable.
  • a828f4a - (Alex Lynch) Implement finally and limit behaviors.
  • 8270a0d - (Alex Lynch) Pass in failing object to error handler.
  • e74aff9 - (Alex Lynch) Implement PathDescribing on JoinPoint
  • 09d74e7 - (Alex Lynch) Begin implementation of PathDescribing protocol for debugging and state keeping purposes. Add protection against multiple callbacks by client.
  • c4518ad - (Alex Lynch) each behavior forwards sequence as result.
  • c58f68b - (Alex Lynch) Delay evaluation of stored values in failableResultWrapper


  • fa269ce - (Alex Lynch) 2.0
  • 3842e27 - (Alex Lynch) More generated forms of chain and splice. Generated bind and bind operator.
  • 20060ac - (Alex Lynch) Remove (now) unnecessary dummy testing application. Just test.
  • b61f62f - (Alex Lynch) Version 0.1.8, open sourced.
  • d13227e - (Alex Lynch) Remove unused variable.
  • f4ff73c - (Alex Lynch) Execute root function on the provided queue. Adapt for threading difference.
  • 3febc61 - (Alex Lynch) Release 0.1.5 built with swiftc 3.1. Suppress appending swiftc version number to build number until cocoa pods can handle it.
  • 68716d0 - (Alex Lynch) Include swiftc version in build number.
  • d066089 - (Alex Lynch) Generate chain forms to permit meta analysis.
  • d73ec18 - (Alex Lynch) Publish 0.1.4
  • 3f971a3 - (Alex Lynch) Revert depreciations and add initial support for void forms of ‘chain’
  • 5d2b663 - (Alex Lynch) Add build and deploy script.
  • c793d55 - (Alex Lynch) Deprecate less-functionally oriented value and start(with:) behaviors.
  • 46603d6 - (Alex Lynch) Move CommonCrypto framework source to separate project.
  • ba118cb - (Alex Lynch) Make framework a universal binary.
  • 0c2a2a8 - (Alex Lynch) Implement build number scrip.
  • 3af29ba - (Alex Lynch) More functional description of testEachWithRateLimiter
  • a6f8184 - (Alex Lynch) Implement rate limiter concept and support in each behavior.
  • 6b18038 - (Alex Lynch) Make FailableResult internal.
  • 3ba8778 - (Alex Lynch) Make JoinPoint internal.
  • 42d23b7 - (Alex Lynch) Implement operator syntax for chain, conjoin, value, and optionally
  • c7d3dcd - (Alex Lynch) Privatize joinPoint
  • 8fc0a61 - (Alex Lynch) Remove splice behavior and simplify conjoin
  • 2d9a7d4 - (Alex Lynch) Implement async signatures for map and filter.
  • f75927f - (Alex Lynch) Implement filter behavior.
  • 869b152 - (Alex Lynch) map behavior passes queue to asyncMap .
  • c9fc358 - (Alex Lynch) Test multi-parameter functions.
  • 33246f7 - (Alex Lynch) Build test for ‘each’ behavior. Correct each behavior. Implement new secondary forms of ‘chain’
  • 1b275db - (Alex Lynch) Refactor tests around license protection.
  • 36b498f - (Alex Lynch) Added six optional callback forms. Miraculously resolve “chain2 abmbiguiuty problem”
  • d9c295e - (Alex Lynch) Reorganize access control and reduce ProcessLink clutter.
  • cd13e26 - (Alex Lynch) Namespace the starting functions in a struct.
  • 9c589ff - (Alex Lynch) Correct functional programming terminology.
  • d2e9e65 - (Alex Lynch) Commit CommonCrypto scheme.
  • 1306cdc - (Alex Lynch) Implement access control strategy.
  • c78f8bd - (Aaron Lynch) First round of Aaronchanges
  • ffad587 - (Alex Lynch) Add value checking to unit tests.
  • 00307b2 - (Alex Lynch) Restructure project around testing and framework targets.
  • db54c03 - (Alex Lynch) Implement each behavior.
  • 136be94 - (Alex Lynch) Correct spelling error.
  • 22ad3de - (Alex Lynch) Improve call site semantics and implement optionally behavior.
  • bf49804 - (Alex Lynch) Remove the unexpressive end() method and mark methods which return ProcessLink as @discardableResult
  • 5104523 - (Alex Lynch) Provide new secondary form of chain (the 3rd). Plus disambiguation alias.
  • 5607230 - (Alex Lynch) Ensure error handler is called in execution queue.
  • 3f2884e - (Alex Lynch) Implement new secondary chaining form (the second).
  • 52dd27a - (Alex Lynch) Define value behavior.
  • 6c47a35 - (Alex Lynch) Support execution queue selection in primary behaviors.
  • b386625 - (Alex Lynch) Implement first of secondary forms.
  • b959849 - (Alex Lynch) Organize methods around primary forms.
  • a448c71 - (Alex Lynch) Create iOS framework target.
  • d222f21 - (Alex Lynch) Publicize classes and methods for use in external module. Introduce splice method.
  • 5421b87 - (Alex Lynch) Implement join.
  • 89211a6 - (Alex Lynch) Implement checked error handling.
  • 37171a5 - (Alex Lynch) Rename function to better clarify it’s meaning.
  • 8c96b13 - (Alex Lynch) Implement map instruction.
  • 549384a - (Alex Lynch) Update method names for greater declarative clarity.
  • e93ff6e - (Alex Lynch) Initial implementation of parallel syntax.
  • 218a839 - (Alex Lynch) Implement support for asynchronous methods.
  • b0e3366 - (Alex Lynch) Cleaner syntax for process definitions.
  • a37346d - (Alex Lynch) Proof of concept.
  • 4795c9f - (Alex Lynch) Initial Commit